Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

Journal of New Developments in Chemistry

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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Journal of New Developments in Chemistry (JNDC) is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to advancing the understanding of chemical sciences and their applications. JNDC provides comprehensive insights into the latest developments in chemistry, including innovative research, trends, and breakthroughs. The journal is indexed in prominent databases, ensuring global visibility and accessibility, making it a valuable resource for researchers, scholars, and professionals in the field of chemistry.

  • International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): Articles are registered with the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for academic and research recognition.
  • IP Indexing: Indexed in IP Indexing, ensuring visibility in academic and professional research networks.
  • Cosmos Impact Factor: Listed in Cosmos Impact Factor, reflecting its scholarly significance and citation impact.
  • General IF: Included in General Impact Factor (IF), signifying its contribution to global academic research.
  • CiteFactor: Indexed in CiteFactor, enhancing the article’s accessibility and academic reputation.
  • Lancaster University: Recognized by Lancaster University’s research database for academic excellence.
  • CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service): Indexed in the prestigious Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) for global research visibility.

Research Visibility: Articles Accessible on Premier Repository and Social Networking Platforms

  • Research Gate

1. Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment: Spectroscopic and Calorimetric Evaluation of the Biofield Energy Treated
2. Hydroxypropyl β-Cyclodextrin
Statistical Taguchi Optimization for Preparation and Adhesion Evaluation of Epoxy Insulator to the Surface of Double Base Propellant Grain
3. Literature Review Paper on Mechanical Properties of Types of Carbon Nanotubes4.An Optical Chemical Sensor for Determination of Nickel in Water and Hydrogen Peroxide Samples
5.ANTHRAQUINONES-A Naturopathic Compound
6. Articular cartilage: Chemical, Physical, and Tribological Properties

Research Impact: Articles Indexed in Leading Academic Search Engines 

  • Google Scholar
  • Open Access Library (OALib)
  • Semantic Scholar

1. A Cross Section Survey Assessment Study on the Knowledge and Practice of Periodic Medical Check up among the Saudi population
2. AB Initio (DFT) and Vibrational Studies of the Synthesized Heterocyclic Compound 2-6-oxo-2-Thioxotetrahydropyrimidin-41H-Ylidene Hydrazine Carbothioamide
3. Dogonyaro-Leaf-Extract as Inhibitor for Aluminum Corrosion in Acid
4. Molecular Spectroscopy and Molecular Docking Studies on (E)-1-(4-Bromobenzylidene) Thiourea
5. Molecular Structure and Vibrational Analysis of 2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2, 3-Dihydro-1H-Perimidine using Density Functional Theory


Academic Impact: Articles Indexed in Prestigious University Libraries

  • Kabale University
  • University of Tripoli

1. Assessing Performance of Cattle Dung and Waste Cooked Foods in Producing Biogas as Single Substrate and Mixed Substrates in Kampala Uganda
2. Removal of Neutral Red from Aqueous solutions usingSr2CaBO5.5 (B= Nb+5& Ta+5)

Article Accessibility through Major Indexing Platforms

  • Research Bible

1. CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Radiation Source for Magnetic Resonance Biospectroscopy in Metabolic and Molecular Imaging and Diagnosis of Cancer
2. CFD Simulation Study on Shell Made of Composite Material when Subject to Temperatures Above 3000 Degrees Centigrade


Indexed in some other platforms:

  • R Discovery by Editage
  • Amanote Research platform

1. Evaluation of Physicochemical, Spectral and Thermal Properties of Energy of Consciousness Healing Treated Iron Sulphate
2. Stereoselective Synthesis of N-Glycosyl Oxazolines and Evaluation of Their Antiproliferative Activity
3. Evaluation of the Effect of Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Selenium
4. Research Gaps In Contaminants Of Emerging Concern (CECs): Routes To The Standardization Of Chemical Test Methods By GC/LC-Mass Spectrometry: A Review


Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences