Cosmic surgery is a non-invasive operation developed by applying modern astronomical discoveries to surgical science. Scientific cosmology is the study of the universe through physics and astronomy. Religious cosmology explains the universe based on religious scriptures. According to religious cosmology, the universe consists of hell, heaven, and earth. Earth is surrounded by hell, and hell is surrounded by heaven. Astronomers explored the universe and found billions of galaxies of stars all around the earth made of hellish fire. The location of the stars and hells in the universe and their characteristics are identical. Comparative study shows that all the stars in the visible galaxies of the universe are religious hells. The discovery of hells in the lower universe confirms the existence of heavens in the inaccessible upper universe that has been predicted in the Holy Scriptures. This astronomical discovery is not only a message to mankind but also a recombinant cosmic signal all over the world, which is generated for the exploration of the cosmos by prophets and astronomers. According to the supernatural theory of disease, supernatural virus infects the prefrontal cortex of the human brain and disrupts the normal spirit of executive functions including reasoning, planning, motivation, and problem solving that leads people to a delusional lifestyle and behavior and alters the dynamic equilibrium between man and environment, and causes all physical, mental, social, and spiritual disorders, national, international, and inter-religious conflicts and wars in the world. Cosmic surgery is a non-invasive operation applying above mentioned cosmic signal to the human brain to sterilize the whole world from the supernatural virus that can change our sick world into a healthier, happier, and prosperous world like a terrestrial paradise.
Author Contributions
Academic Editor: Giuseppe Piccinni, University of Bari - Italy
Checked for plagiarism: Yes
Review by: Single-blind
Copyright © 2023 Muhammad Fazlul Islam, et al.

Competing interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Surgery is a specialized branch of medical science for the treatment of damaged or diseased organs. Surgical operations were performed in ancient Egypt by priests and used sutures to close wounds. Infections were treated with honey 1. Sushruta was a famous Indian surgeon, the author of the treatise Sushruta Samhita. He is well known as the father of surgery in ancient India 2. Galen was the greatest surgeon of ancient Greece and performed many invasive operations 3.
The medieval period is known for decline of surgery in India and Europe. In India the spread of Buddhism with a message of non-violence made people think that surgical procedure was a form of demonical medicine and should not be practiced 4. In Europe, surgery was accorded much less prestige than medicine. During this period, surgeons were usually unlettered and of a lower social class. However, during this period Arab and Muslim world entered the intellectual arena. For nearly seven hundred years (7th to 15th century), they held their sway in the field of medicine and surgery 5. With the fall of surgery in the Muslim world, Europe started to gain its status and prestige in surgical science.
European surgeons began to form their own guilds and colleges, as they used to hold a much lower position than others and were called barber surgeons. In the sixteenth century, King Henry VIII of England, having trained a group of barbers in surgery, organized an association of barber surgeons 6. This association of surgeons established the Royal College of Surgeons of London. However, the prestige of the surgeons of England was established in 1843, when Queen Victoria chartered the Royal College of Surgeons of England 7.
Now surgery is a well-established and prestigious branch of medical science. There are many branches of surgery for the treatment of different parts of the body, such as neurosurgery for the operation of brain, cardiac surgery for the operation of heart, thoracic surgery for the diseases of chest, urology for the urinary system, orthopedic surgery for the bones and muscles, transplant surgery for the replacement of organs, and aesthetic surgery for cosmetic purpose 8, 9. Today for the rapid development of different branches of science, newer technologies are added to the surgical procedures, which make the conventional surgery easier and less invasive. Laparoscopic and endoscopic surgeries are minimal invasive procedures developed in combination of surgery and modern technology. Laser surgery involves use of a laser for cutting tissue instead of a scalpel or similar instruments. Microsurgery involves the use of an operating microscope to see small structures. Robotic surgery makes use of robot to control the instrumentation under the direction of the surgeons. Laser surgery and radiosurgery are done today in bloodless field using laser and gamma rays. Laser surgery and radiosurgery are known today “surgery without operation”. For the rapid rise of information and telecommunication technology, telesurgery and robotic surgery are two important developments in surgical science. Tele surgery is the operation on a remote patient, developed in combination of modern computer, telecommunication, video conferencing and surgery. If robotic arms are used in telesurgery, this is called robotic surgery 10, 11, 12.
Cosmic surgery is the latest development of surgical science that has been described in the Holy Scriptures in ancient times. Treatment of human body applying cosmic signal into the prefrontal area of the human brain is called cosmic surgery. Prefrontal area of brain is responsible for executive functions including planning, reasoning, motivation, and initiating good and evil behavior 13. This kind of surgery is non-invasive bloodless surgery like laser surgery and radio surgery. In this operation, a cosmic signal is introduced into the prefrontal cortex of the human brain, which is the control center of the human body and mind to make a person free from the supernatural virus, which disrupts the normal spirit of executive functions of the human brain and causes all physical, mental, social, and spiritual disorders 14. Therefore, cosmic surgery can prevent and control the root cause of all diseases before the disease has occurred.
A surgical procedure known as “Sinachak” has been described in the Holy Quran and Hadith in the 7th century. “Sinachak” means spiritual operation of the diseased heart or mind. In this procedure, God Almighty operated upon the spiritual heart of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sending an angel and sterilized his brain from evil spirits and evil desires. This operation was done on the prophet at least four times in his life 15. This operation can be cited as the real example of cosmic and robotic surgery in modern sense. In this operation Archangel Gabriel acted as a robot. This operation is also known as “Circumcision of the Heart” in the Bible that is used to sterilize the spiritual heart, brain and mind 16, 17, from the supernatural virus, which is responsible for all kinds of evil spirits and evil desires, as it is stated in the following Holy Scriptures:
The Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live. – (Deuteronomy 30: 6).
No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God. – (Romans, 2: 29).
Circumcise yourselves to the Lord and remove the foreskins of your hearts. – (Jeremiah, 4: 4).
In Him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of your sinful nature, with the circumcision performed by Christ and not by human hands. – (Colossians, 2: 11).
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiff necked. – (Deuteronomy, 10: 16).
Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing and there is a covering over their eyes, and there is a great punishment for them. - (Holy Quran, 2: 7).
(O Muhammad) Have we not opened your chest for you and removed from you your burden. - (Holy Quran, 94: 1-2).
Anas Ibn Malik reported that Archangel Gabriel came to the Messenger of Allah.... He took hold of him and laid him down opened his chest and took out the heart from it and removed a piece of flesh (that symbolized evil spirits and evil desires) from it...and then he washed it with the water of Zamzam in a golden basin and then it was joined together and restored to its place. – (Sahīh Muslim, no. 162).
... Archangel Gabriel descended, opened my heart and then cleansed it with the water of Zamzam. He then brought a golden basin full of wisdom and faith and after molding it into my chest he closed it up. - (Sahīh Muslim, no. 163).
The ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indian, and Greek systems of medicine can be seen as earlier stages of modern medical science 18. The treatment given by the prophets and messengers of God in ancient times can also be seen as an earlier stage of cosmic surgery. They conveyed the cosmic messages to the people. In earlier periods it was a simple belief. People led a normal religious lifestyle in order to get to heaven and connect with God. As a result, a favorable atmosphere was created in society for maintaining a normal lifestyle and behavior 19, 20, 21. Recently, scientists have discovered the existence of religious hells and heavens in the universe, which was a simple belief of people in the past. Using this cosmic discovery as a message and instruction, cosmic surgery emerges as a new branch of surgery to sterilize the human brain and mind from the supernatural virus, which is responsible for all physical, mental, social, and spiritual disorders, national, international, and inter-religious conflicts and wars in the world 14.
Development, Application and Benefit
Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objects and phenomena that originate outside the earth’s atmosphere. Cosmology is the study of the origin, evolution and eventual fate of the universe. Scientific cosmology is founded on the study of astronomy. Religious cosmology explains the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe on the basis of religious scriptures. According to religious cosmology, the universe consists of hell, heaven, and earth. Earth is surrounded by hell, and hell is surrounded by heaven. Astronomers explored the universe and found billions of galaxies of stars made of hellish fire. The location of the stars and hells in the universe and their physical characteristics are surprisingly identical. Comparative study shows that all the stars in the visible galaxies of the universe are religious hells 22, 23, 24. Therefore, the astronomical discovery of religious hells in the lower universe that also confirms the existence of eternal heavens in the inaccessible upper universe will activate the human brain to a normal lifestyle and behavior to enter the eternal paradise, and refrain from all sorts of abnormal activities those are punishable by hell fire, so that this astronomical discovery acting as a cosmic signal all over the world will eradicate the supernatural virus, which infects the prefrontal cortex of the human brain and inspires a delusional lifestyle and behavior and causes all physical, mental, social, and spiritual disorders, national, international and inter-religious conflicts and wars in the world. Cosmic surgery is an antivirus program applying that cosmic signal to the human brain in a message all over the world that the hells and heavens are existed in the universe in order to eradicate the supernatural virus. This operation is known as “Sinachak” in the Islamic Holy Scriptures and “Circumcision of the Heart” in the Holy Bible that is used to cleanse the human brain of evil spirits and evil desires. It is analogous to the Mokhsaand Nirvana of the Indian Holy Scriptures 25, 26.
Cosmic rays are high-energy protons and atomic nuclei that originate from the sun and from outside of the solar system. They blaze at the speed of light and have been blamed for physical illness and electronics problems. Cosmic surgery is the application of a cosmic signal to the human brain and mind, which can be given without the use of any physical agent. Therefore, it has no adverse effects 28. Figure 1
Figure 1.Location of religious objects in the universe. Hell is located in the lower universe and heaven in the upper universe in comparison to an observer on Earth. In a spherical earth and a spherical universe, the earth is surrounded by hell, and hell is surrounded by heaven 27.
The aim of religion is to clean the spiritual heart, brain and mind, from the supernatural virus for a normal life in this world, which will result a permanent pleasurable life in the eternal paradise and save people from the punishment of hell fire 29. The aim of surgery is to restore the normal function of a diseased organ or system by an appropriate surgical method that is not amenable to medical treatment 5, 8.Cosmic surgery is aimed to eliminate the supernatural virus from the human brain and mind applying a cosmic signal all over the world, which is comparable to many bloodless surgical techniques of modern surgery, such as gamma ray surgery and laser surgery. Therefore, cosmic surgery is the latest development of modern surgery and the greatest of all surgical and medical specialties for its ability to sterilize the spiritual heart - brain and mind 16, 17 from the supernatural virus, which is the ultimate cause of all physical, mental, social, and spiritual disorders, national, international, and inter-religious conflicts and wars that can change our sick world into a healthier, happier, and prosperous world like a terrestrial paradise.
The most wonderful benefit of cosmic surgery will be a spiritual renewal all over the world for the automatic submission of mankind to the will of God that can save billions of people from the hell fire. This spiritual renewal and automatic submission of mankind to God will also open the doors of eternal paradise in the world hereafter for the enjoyment of a happier life forever. Figure 2
Figure 2.The universe within 15 billion light-years from the Earth. In this picture, clusters of galaxies are seen in the lower universe all around the Virgo cluster, which is the home to the Earth. Courtesy: http://www.icc.dur.ac.uk/~tt/Lectures/Galaxies/LocalGroup/Back/universe.gif 27.
The supernatural theory of disease is one of the main theories of the causation of disease in the world. The supernatural virus activates the germs and different factors for the causation of disease leading people to a delusional life style and behavior. The majority of the people of the world today have been infected by the supernatural virus. Cosmic surgery is a non-invasive operation sending a well defined cosmic signal (antivirus program) all over the world that the hells and heavens are existed in the universe, which will sterilize the human brain and mind from the supernatural virus, which is the main instigator of all physical, mental, social, and spiritual disorders, national, international, and inter-religious conflicts and wars in the world. Cosmic surgery is formulated on the principles of biological engineering and natural sciences incorporating cosmology into surgical science.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable
Consent for publication
Not applicable
Availability of data and materials
All data analyzed, generated and interpreted during this study are included in this article.
This study was not funded by any agency.
Authors' contributions
Dr. Muhammad Fazlul Islam is entirely responsible for the conception and design of the work; the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data; and the initial draft of the work and its final revision.
I am grateful to Muhammad Abdul Hayee and Muhammad Abdul Motalib for their help in revising the manuscript. I also thank Muhammad Akhter Hussain for his technical support in completing this work.
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