Foundation of Biomedical Sciences for Education and Research'' Burdwan, 713101, India.
Tanmay Bhuin
Burdwan, 713101, India.
Dr. Tanmay Bhuin is recently working as Senior Scientific officer (Independent Investigator) in ‘‘Foundation of Biomedical Sciences for Education and Research’’ Burdwan, India. He earned his Ph.D. in Zoology (Drosophila developmental genetics) from Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, India in 2008. Then, he had postdoctoral research training in Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Further, he worked as Independent Scientist in the University of Burdwan, India. He has been honoured by different fellowships/scholarships and awards nationally. He has completed several research projects from different funding agencies. He is currently Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology, Journal of Veterinary Science and Zoology and also Regular Reviewer of International Journal of Pure and Applied Zoology and ‘‘Mitochondrion’’-Elsevier Journal. He has published several research papers in his field in renowned scientific journals. Most of Dr. Bhuin’s papers have been acclaimed by highly influencing
citations viz., several times in Nature, Nature Review Microbiology, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Communications, Trends in Cell Biology, Acta Neuropathologica, Neuron, Annual Review of Genetics, Cancer Cell, and Annul. Review of Cell and Dev. Biol., J of Clinical Invest, Angewandte Chemie, J. of Clinical Investigation, Cell Discovery etc. and therefore, he has been recognized as Semantic Scholar. His current research interest includes “Systematic analysis and molecular genetic characterization of immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) genes during Drosophila development”.
- 2019: Selected as Senior Scientific officer by “Foundation of Biomedical Sciences for Education and Research’’ Burdwan.
- 2015: Awarded as Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Pool Scientist (CSIR-Pool Scientist).
- 2012: Awarded as DST-SERB Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientist in Life Sciences.
- 2012: Awarded as Post Doctoral Research Associate from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR-RA).
- 2011: Qualified for Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship (MC-IIF) for experienced researcher.
- 2009: Awarded as Post-doctoral Research Fellowship USA to avail postdoctoral research in USA.
- 2006: Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) during the postgraduate research.
- 2003: Selected as the University Grants Commission (UGC) Research Project Fellow, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), India.
- 2002: Graduate Test in Engineering (GATE) conducted by Indian Institute of Science (IISC) and Indian Institute of Technology (IITs). Percentile Obtained: 91.18, All India Rank (AIR) 227.
- 2001: National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted jointly by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) as well as the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi, India.
- 1993: High School Excellence Certificate obtained for being stood first in all the examinations organized by the school in each class from V-X.
- 1991: Certificate obtained for securing first place in the elocution competition organized by the Directorate of Field Publicity Ministry of information and Broadcasting, Government of India.
- 1990: National Scholarship Examination for Talented Children (Rural areas-Class VIII)
- Bhuin, T. and Roy, J.K. Developmental expression, co-localization and genetic interaction of exocyst component Sec15 with Rab11 during Drosophila development. Exp.Cell Res. (2019); 381, 94-104(*Corresponding author).
- Bhuin, T. and Roy, J.K. Rab11 in disease progression. Int. J. Mol. Cell Med. (2015); 4, 1-8.
- Bhuin, T. and Roy, J.K. Rab proteins: The key regulators of intracellular vesicle transport. Exp. Cell Res. (2014); 328, 1-19. One of the top cited articles in the Journal.
- Bhuin, T. and Roy, J.K. Rab11 is required for maintenance of cell shape via βPS integrin mediated cell adhesion in Drosophila. Int. J. Mol. Cell Med. (2012); 4, 185-190. Image in Cover page illustration.
- Bhuin, T. and Roy, J.K. Rab11 is required for cell adhesion, maintenance of cell shape and actin-cytoskeleton organization during Drosophila wing development. Int. J. Dev. Biol. (2011); 55, 269-279.
- Bhuin, T. and Roy, J.K. Rab11 regulates JNK and Raf/MAPK-ERK signalling pathways during Drosophila wing development. Cell Biol. Int. (2010); 36, 1113-1118.
- Bhuin, T. and Roy, J.K. Rab11 is required for myoblast fusion in Drosophila. Cell Tissue Res. (2009); 336, 489-499.
- Bhuin, T. and Roy, J.K. Rab11 is required for embryonic nervous system development in Drosophila. Cell Tissue Res. (2009); 335, 349-356.