Cornelia Amalinei
16 Universitatii Street Iasi-700115,
Research Interests:
Experience in national/international programs/projects:
- COST Action BM1007 Mast Cells and Basophils- Targets for Innovative Therapies - Project member (2010-2014).
- Pathology laboratory Professional and organizational formation and implementation of quality management ANATOMOPAT, POSDRU/ 81/ 3.2/ S/ 589420- Management board member (2010-2013).
- Study of interrelations between metalloproteinases, soluble factors (hormones and cytokines) and apoptosis in neoplastic endometrium - Project manager (2007-2009).
- L1 capsid HPV protein expression correlated to other molecular factors: prognosis value and impact in vaccination - IDEI 2036 - Project member (2008-2011).
- Clinico-epidemiologic study of the reproductive health and of abandon prevention in gypsies communities from Iasi county - Project member (2005-2007).
- Associate Professor, Histology Department, Department of Normal Morphology and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa Iasi Primary anatomic pathologist, Third Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, Iasi Diagnostic histopathological macroscopic and microscopic of the operative parts, biopsy, cytological examination of female genitalia and mammary gland
- Doctor of Medical Sciences (1998), specialty Morphopathology
- Scientific papers: over 200, of which over 90 published in national and international journals international and over 110 published in the volumes of national and international congresses, with themes of normal and pathological morphology investigated by complex work techniques (histology conventional, cytodiagnostic, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, morphometry computer)
- Books: 9 (monographs, courses)
Responsible for postgraduate courses:
- Traditional and modern techniques in cytology diagnosis and histopathology of female genital tract and mammary gland disorders - U.M.F. Iasi 20.10.2004- 20.12.2004 (37 EMC points)
- The Importance of Modern Techniques in Cytology and Diagnosis anatomo-pathological of female genital tract diseases, U.M.F. Iasi, 10.04.2006- 24.04.2006 (38 EMC points)
- Topical data on nomenclature, diagnosis, staging and therapy adjuvant in breast pathology, second lecturer: Chief of Works Dr. Raluca Balan, U.M.F. Iasi, 09.03.2007- 27.04.2007 (37.5 points EMC).
Member of national and international societies:
- European Society of Pathology (ESP), Working Group of Gynecological Pathologists of the Society European Pathology, invited member of the European Society of Mastology and European Group for Breast Cancer Screening (EUSOMA), Balkan Medical Union, Society of Physicians and Physicians Naturalists, Romanian Society of Cytology, Romanian Society of Morphology, Romanian Society of Dermatology and Venerology, Romanian Society of Cell Biology.
- Foundation scholarship for an Open Society, under the program:
- "Oxford Colleges Hospitality Scheme", for the sharing experience and documentation at Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, John Radcliff Hospital, Women's Center, Oxford. U.K.,