Mother Theresa Post Graduate & Research Institute of Health Sciences,
Manjubala Dash
Mother Theresa Postgraduate & Research Institute of Health Sciences,
Pondicherry, 605006, India.
Research Interests:
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Nursing.
- Prof. DR. Manjubala Dash, working as a professor in nursing. Speciality is obstetric and Gynaecological nursing. Had 20 years of teaching experience in the field of Nursing.
- I have organized National and International Conferences, workshops in the field of nursing.
- Had participated and presented more than 100 papers in the National and international conferences.
- Had published articles nearly 50 in national and international Journals. Is the co-editor for International Journal of Nursing Panorama, The Genesis, Comtemporary journal of Microbiology etc.
- Published 3 books in the fireld of Midwifery and Word management. Contributed chapters for Midwifery Books.
- I am a National Trainer for Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Specialit course. Did many research project under DHR and ICMR, DST etc.
- Main interest is on research, education and administration. Conducted many programmes for antenatal, postnatal mothers in the community level and hospital level.
- Got opportunity to deliver a talk in the International and National Conferences. I am guiding the Students of UG, PG and PhD for Research.
- I am a recognized guide in different university and examiner for PG and PhD Students too.
- I have gone for conducting Inspections to various colleges by the Indian Nursing Council.
- My special interest on family planning, contraceptive methods, reproductive health, promote exclusive breast feeding etc.