Associate Professor,
Pathology under Assam Medical Education Service,
Govt of Assam.
Usha Sharma
MD, PhD, Associate Professor,
Department of Pathology,
Gauhati Medical College Hospital,
Bhangagarh, Guwahati-781032,
Assam, India.
Research Interests:
PCR, Immunohistochemistry, Oncology, Virus, Histopathology, Histology, Diagnostics, Surgical Pathology, Primer, Staining, Cytology, Cytopathology, Multiplex PCR, Nested PCR.
- ER & PR Status of Breast Cancer – A Single Center Study From Guwahati, North East India.
- Distribution of Human Papilloma Virus Infections of Uterine Cervix among Women of Reproductive Age - a Cross Sectional Hospital-Based Study from North East India.
- Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Frequency of Major Blood Group Antigens among Blood Donors at a Tertiary Level Hospital in North- East India Running Title: Frequency of Major Blood Group Antigens among Blood Donors.
- Pathology of ovarian tumour-A hospital based study..
- Diagnostic value of thyroid FNAC.
- A Protease Isolated from the Latex of Plumeria rubra Linn (Apocynaceae) 2: Anti-inflammatory and Wound-Healing Activities.
- Demographic Characteristic of Hpv Infection in Women -A Hospital Based Study From Guwahati, India.
- Detection of Human Papilloma Virus Dna from Dry Paper Cervical Smear-A Hospital Based Study.
- Dr Leena Talukdar et al JMSCR Volume 2 Issue 8 August 2014 HIV Threat: A Study among Blood Donors Authors.
- Medical Science Histopathological Pattern of Sinonasal Masses Reported in A Tertiary Level Hospital.