Eduardo Mondlane,
University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,
Centre for Policy Analysis and Department of Geography.
+258 21 303 452, +258 82 868 8760
Ines Macamo Raimundo
Avenida Emilia Dausse, 1356,
1st Floor, Flat 4,
Maputo Mozambique..
- Ines Macamo Raimundo holds a PhD in Forced Migration and Master in Human Geography (focus on internal migration) by the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa and a Licenciatura (Bhonors) in Geography by Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique).
- Raimundo has taught at Eduardo Mondlane University for 25 years where she trained several undergraduate and postgraduate students in Human Geography, Geography of Population, Geography of Migration, Environment and Population and Development.
- She is Associate Professor and Senior Researcher of Eduardo Mondlane University. Prof. Raimundo is Representative for Southern Africa of Commonwealth Geographical Bureau (CGB) and member of International Council for Sciences (ICSU) and Regional Committee for Africa (RCA).
- She has lead research in migration as member of SAMP (Southern African Migration Program), and AFSUN (African Food Security Urban Network). Under SAMP she has coordinated migration and published studies that include: forced migration and cross border migration, HIV, sexual reproductive health, urban food security, and gender, urban and environmental studies. Her major research has focused on migration linked with poverty, HIV and gender.
- However she is also done research on human settlements, urban land market. Prof. Raimundo has some work in book chapters in Migration studies.
- The most recent (2017) are entitled: 1) “The current and prospective brain drain in Mozambique” (Cambridge) and 2) Food insecurity in the context of climate change in Maputo City, Mozambique: challenges and coping strategies (Earthscan/Routeledge). In the year of 2016 she published “The current Portuguese emigration to Mozambique: complex identities in the frame of post-colonial North-South context” (Gradiva, Lisbon).
- Also she has published articles on “Poverty, witchcrafts and Migration in Rural Areas of Mozambique”, “internal migrations”, “Migration and Management” in Mozambique and overseas that includes Brazil, Germany, the Netherland, UK, Portugal, Russia, Senegal, SA, US, She has presented papers in international, regional and local conferences mainly on the issue of Migration.
- Raimundo has a large experience on qualitative methodology and some skills on quantitative methodology.
- Raimundo has been invited Professor at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Bordeaux-Montaigne, France and has examined PhD thesis as external examiner of University of Antwerp, Belgium, Sao Paulo (Brazil) Lisbon (Portugal) and Cape Town (South Africa).
- She has reviewed articles for publication to GEOUSP, DIVERSITAS and Geo-Espaço of Brazil, Journal of Indian Ocean Region, EASSRR (Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review).
- 2017 Hungry cities Partnership Food Entrepreneur Survey (accomplished)
- 2017 Understanding Informal system in Small and Medium Sized cities of Mozambique (ongoing)
- 2016 Expected Returns to Education and Labour Market Choices among University Students in Mozambique”.
- 2017, Raimundo, Inês M, “The current and prospective brain drain in Mozambique” in Higher Education in Africa: Challenges for Development, Mobility and Cooperation”, Cambridge, UK, chapter XX, pg 213-235.
- 2017- Raimundo, Ines, Food insecurity in the context of climate change in Maputo City, Mozambique: challenges and coping strategies. In Elizabeth Thomas-Hope (Editor). Climate change and food security- Africa and the Caribbean. Earsthcan-Routledge, London and New York, pp 172-180.
- 2016, Raimundo, Inês M, Food insecurity in the context of climate change in Maputo City, Mozambique. In Challenges and coping strategies in Climate Change and Food Security Africa and the Caribbean. Edited by Elizabeth Thomas-Hope Routledge.
- 2014, Raimundo, Inês M, Mosambik ist sowohl ein auswanderungs- Als auch ein einwanderungsland: Uber die Grenzen (Moçambique país de emigração e da imigração: uma análise da situação pós independência). Mosambik (88): 20-21.
- 2013a, Raimundo, Inês M, Migrant laborers, spouses and the spread of HIV/AIDS in rural Mozambique: Why do migrant´s spouses get infected by HIV? In V. Iontsev (org.) The effects of migration on areas of destination, pp 44-76. Moscow, Editora MAKC-PECC.
- 2013b, Raimundo, Inês M., A dinâmica migratória em Moçambique. In C. Arnaldo e B. Cau (org.) Dinâmicas da População e Saúde em Moçambique, pp 157-182. Maputo. CEPSA.
- 2011ª, Raimundo, Inês M, Causa, consequências e padrões da migração internacional de Moçambique: questões emergentes no espaço da lusofonia. AULP-Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa III Série (24): 187-212.
- 2011b, Raimundo, Inês M, Migrações em Moçambique: reflexões sobre uma Política de Migração. Estudos Moçambicanos, 22 (1): 65-90.
- 2011c, Raimundo, Inês M,Migração e HIV/SIDA em Moçambique: Desafios da região centro de Moçambique http://citrus.uspnet.usp.br/geousp/ojs-2.2.4/index.php/geousp/issue/view/32. GEOUSP, Espaço e Tempo. N 29, Especial, pp 43-45.
- 2010, Raimundo, Inês M., Gender, Choice and Migration: Household Dynamics and Urbanisation in Mozambique. Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Germany.
- 2009, Raimundo, Inês M International Management and Development in Mozambique: What strategies? International Migration, 47 (3): 93-122.
- 2008a, Raimundo, Inês M., Migration Management: Mozambique’s Challenges and Strategies. In Aderanti Adepoju, Ton Van Naerssen and Annelies Zoomers (org), International Migration and National Development in sub-Saharan Africa, 91-116. Leiden (The Netherlands) and Boston (USA). Brill. Afrika-Studiecentrum Series.
- 2008b, Raimundo, Inês M, The interaction of gender and migration household relations in rural and urban Mozambique. In Egodi Uchendu (org.) Masculinities in Contemporary Africa, pp 191-208. Dakar, CODESRIA Gender Series 7.
- 2005, From civil war to floods: an international migration in Gaza province, Mozambique. In Elisio S. Macamo, Negotiating Modernity: Africa´s ambivalent experience, pp 160-171. London, Zed Books.