Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, Debre Tabor University.
Imran Ahmad
Debra Tabor, Ethiopia
Research Interests:
- Water Resources Management
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Remote Sensing and GIS
- Water Purification
- wastewater microbiology
- Debre Tabor University, Hydraulic and Water Resources EngineeringEthiopia, Professor (Associate). (November 2016 - present)
- Arba Minch University, Water Supply and Environmental EngineeringArba Minch, Ethiopia, Professor (Associate) (June 2014 - June 2016)
- Geo Tech Consultants (An Expert group of Geo- scientists, Engineers, Environmentalists and Designers),India (March 2012 - March 2014)
- Exploratory regression modeling for flood susceptibility mapping in the GIS environment
- Identification of potential dam sites using OLS regression and fuzzy logic approach
- GIS-Based Multi-criteria Evaluation for Deciphering of Groundwater Potential
- Sources of aerosol optical depth and its distribution in Abbay basin, Ethiopia
- Influence of determinant factors towards soil erosion using ordinary least squared regression in GIS domain
- Fuzzy logic techniques and GIS-based delineation of groundwater potential zones: a case study of Anger river basin, Ethiopia