Miklos Nyitrai
University of Pécs,
Department of Biophysics,
Szigeti str 12,
H-7624 Pécs,
Research Interests:
The application of biophysical, mainly fluorscence spectroscopic and microscopic methods, and rapid kinetic assays to study protein-protein interactions.
- Ankyrin domain of myosin 16 influences motor function and decreases protein phosphatise catalytic activity.
- FASCIN and alpha-actinin can regulate the conformation of actin filaments.
- DAAM is required for thin filament formation and sarcomerogenesis during muscle development in Drosophila.
- The other side of the coin: Functional and structural versatility of ADF / cofilins.
- Membrane binding properties of IRSp53-missing in metastasis domain (IMD) protein.
- Myosin and tropomyosin stabilize the conformation of formin-nucleated actin filaments.
- Formins Regulate Actin Filament Flexibility through Long Range Allosteric Interactions.
- The Core FH2 Domain of Diaphanous-Related Formins Is an Elongated Actin Binding Protein that Inhibits Polymerization.
- Adenosine diphosphate and strain sensitivity in myosin motors.
- What Kinesin does at Roadblocks: the Coordination Mechanism for Molecular Walking.