Route de Lennik 808, CP640 Campus Erasme, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1070-Brussels, Belgium
Research Interests:
mental brain state motor control EEG dynamics EMG Flow
- Prof. Guy CHERON, PhD, received his master’s degree in Motor Sciences and his PhD in Neurophysiology, both from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium, in 1978 and 1980, respectively.
- Since 1993, Prof. Cheron is a full Professor and Director of the Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Movement Biomechanics (LNMB) of the Université Libre de Bruxelles and
- Director of the Laboratory of Electrophysiology of the University of Mons.
- In 2003, he received his Aggregation Thesis in Neuroscience at the ULB.
- In 2012, he co-created Human Waves which is a LNMB spin-off.
- His research units currently have expertise in the field of EEG, evoked potentials and movement analysis.
- The LNMB has developed expertise in the field of multiple EEG and evoked potentials by working with the cosmonauts (ESA, NASA & JAXA), the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City (Moscow) and the Johnson Space Center (NASA, Houston).
- As Prof. G. Cheron is also Director of Electrophysiology at the University of Mons, the two groups work together in the field of brain oscillations.
- Cooperation with the College de France (Prof. A. Berthoz) allows us to establish links between the psychophysical performance of astronauts and brain oscillations.
- The LNMB equipment offers the possibility to simultaneously record the EEG activities, ERP, EMG and 3D movement in a real environment.
- NihonKohden systems and multi-ANT 128-channel EEG dynamics are used in parallel with the VICON system (12 cameras operating at 200 Hz) and synchronized to the 16-channel wireless EMG system and a eye-tracker.
- The virtual reality simulator tested in recent space missions is also used.
- The LNMB is currently involved in space mission NeuroSpat (Increment 19-20-21).
- The aim is to study perception, attention, memory, decision and action (PAMDA) during sensorimotor tasks.
- The LNMB was also involved in a european FP7 project (ICT-2009.7.2) : Mindwalker.
- The aim of this project was to design a support system in locomotor handicapped so they can realize their daily activities.
- New approaches based on brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are being tested.
- The BCI approach is conducted as part of our DRNN technology associated with virtual reality.