Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale · Sleep and Epilepsy Center, Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland
Mauro Manconi
Civic Hospital of Lugano (EOC), Lugano, Via Tesserete 46, Lugano CH-6903, Switzerland.
Research Interests:
Sleep Disorders, Sleep Disorders and Sleep Medicine, Polysomnography, OSA, Circadian Rhythms, Medical Neurosciences, EEG, Neurophysiology, Sleep Medicine, Sleep Apnea
- The parasomnia defense in sleep-related homicide: A systematic review and a critical analysis of the medical literature
- The iron deficiency conundrum – limitations of existing clinical practice guidelines and next steps
- The International Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Sleep Medicine of the Universities of Bern and Svizzera Italiana
- Role of sleep in neurodegeneration: the consensus report of the 5th Think Tank World Sleep Forum