Michael Klein
Catholic University of Appl. Sciences,
German Instiute on Addiction and Prevention Research,
Woerthstrasse 10,
D-50668 Koeln,
Research Interests:
- Clinical Family Psychology
- Developmental Psychopathology
- Family and addiction
- Children from addicted families
- Etiology of addiction disorders
- Violent behavior under the influence of drugs
- Relapse research
- Comorbidity.
- Klein, M. (2000). Antisocial Behavior, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Alcoholism [Antisocial behavior, antisocial personality disorder and alcohol dependence]. Addiction Therapy 1, 21-26.
- Klein, M. (2000). Addiction and violence. [Addiction and violence]. In: Stimmer, F. (ed.). Addiction lexicon. Munich: Oldenbourg, p. 590 - 598.
- Klein, M. (2000). Alcohol and family: research and research gaps [Alcohol and the family: research update and research needs].
- In: Kruse, G., Körkel, J. & Schmalz, U. Recognize and treat alcohol dependence. Bonn: Psychiatry-Verlag, pp. 139-158.Klein, M. & Zobel, M. (1999). Children in Addicted
- Families - Psychological addiction research from a transgenerational and etiological perspective [Children of addicted parents. Psychological addiction research under transgenerational and etiologic perspective]. In: Fachverband Seeking: addiction treatment. Decisions and needs. Geesthacht: Neuland, pp. 244 - 257 (= series of publications by the Fachverband Sucht eV, 22).
- Klein, M. (1999). Practice field addiction treatment [The practice of addiction treatment]. In: Badry, E., Buchka, M. & Knapp, R. (eds.). Education. Foundations and fields of work. Neuwied: Luchterhand, pp. 495 - 505. (= 3rd edition, revised edition).
- Klein, M. (1999). The model project "Treatment immediately Cologne" - Qualified drug withdrawal treatment with access and procedural facilitation [The model project "Treatment Right Away" in Cologne - Qualified cure for drug addiction with low-threshold access and application simplification]. Currently looking for. Journal of the Fachverband Seeks 6, 47 - 54.
- Quinten, C. & Klein, M. (1999). Long-term development of children from addicted families - Results of the Thommener Kinderkatamnese [Long-term development of children of addicted parents - results of the Thommener children's follow-up study]. In: Association Sucht (ed.): Addiction treatment. Decisions and needs. Geesthacht: Neuland, pp. 235 - 243 (= series of publications by the Fachverband Sucht eV, 22).
- Funke, J., Funke, W., Klein, M. & Scheller, R. (1998). Review of the Factorial Structure and Test Statistics of the "Trier Alcoholism Inventory" (TAI) [Examination of the Factor Structure of the Trier Alcoholism Inventory (TAI) and its teststatistic attributes]. Seek 44, 34 - 41.
- Klein, M. (1998). Children of addicted parents: facts, data, connections [Children of addicted parents: Facts, data, connections]. In: Diocesan Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Cologne eV (ed.). "When mom and dad are high - I'm down". Helps for children of addicted parents. Cologne: Nau, pp. 8 - 31. (= series of publications of the Diocesan Caritas Association Cologne, No. 43).