Muqing Zhang
2199 South Rock Rd.
Research Interests:
- Crop genetic
- Breeding.
- Transcriptomic characterization and potential marker development of contrasting sugarcane cultivars
- Comparative genetic analysis of the 45S rDNA intergenic spacers from three Saccharum species
- Characterization, Genomic Organization, Abundance, and Chromosomal Distribution of Ty1-copia Retrotransposons in Erianthus arundinaceus
- Field Performance of Transgenic Sugarcane Lines Resistant to Sugarcane Mosaic Virus
- First Report of Sugarcane Leaf Chlorotic Streak Disease Caused by Xanthomonas sacchari in Guangxi, China
- Draft Genome Sequence of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli Strain gdw1
- Deciphering the transcriptomic response of Fusarium verticillioides in relation to nitrogen availability and the development of sugarcane pokkah boeng disease
- Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Oil-In-Water Nano-Emulsion Formulation Against Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus
- Artificial Inoculation Method of Pokkah Boeng Disease of Sugarcane and Screening of Resistant Germplasm Resources in Subtropical China.