Dr.Qian Zhu
School of Informatics and Computing
Indiana University
Research Interests:
Applying informatics approaches, emerging computational and web technologies in biomedical and clinical fields to facilitate meaningful use of medical/clinical data to better support drug discovery and patient care.
- Dr. Qian Zhu is an assistant professor in the Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland Baltimore County.
- She received her PhD in cheminformatics from the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- She finished her postdoctoral training in cheminformatics and biomedical informatics at Indiana University.
- Before she joined UMCB, she was an assistant professor in medical informatics in school of medicine at Mayo Clinic.
- Her primary research interests are translational biomedical and clinical informatics.
- Her main research focus is applying informatics approaches, emerging computational and web technologies in biomedical and clinical fields to facilitate meaningful use of medical/clinical data to better support drug discovery and patient care.