Centro di Studio sulle Tecnologie dellInformatica e dellAutomazione, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Diego Liberati
National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Research Interests:
Neural Networks, Neural Processing, Neurosurgery, Neurology
Diego Liberati received the PhD degree in electronic engineering, summa cum laude, from the Milano Institute of Technology, in February 1983. Since 1984, he is with the Italian National Research Council, where he is currently a chief scientist. In 1988, the Italian Ministry for Scientific Research awarded him the first research doctorate in Biomedical Engineering, Honoris Causa. He has been a secretary of the Biomedical Engineering Society within the Italian Electrical and Electronic Engineering Association (and Milano prize laureate in 1988), chairman of the Scientific Committee for the Conferences on Information and Control Technologies in Health Systems sponsored by the Italian Control Association, past president of the Milano region within the Saint Vincent de Paul Charity and of the Milano chapter within the International Movement of Catholic Intellectuals, visiting scientist at Rockefeller University, New York University, University of California, and the International Computer Science Institute.
- Spectral and cross-spectral analysis of heart rate and arterial blood pressure variability signals
- Measuring regularity by means of a corrected conditional entropy in sympathetic outflow
- A parametric method of identification of single-trial event-related potentials in the brain
- Computerized analysis for an experimental validation of neurophysiological models of heart rate control
- Linear and nonlinear techniques for the deconvolution of hormone time-series