Journal of Advanced Cytology

About The Journal

Journal Overview

The Journal of Advanced Cytology (JCY) is a journal dedicated to sharing knowledge in the field of cytology. This journal serves as a platform of scholarly communication for researchers, academicians, and practitioners in the areas of cell biology, immunology, hematology, oncology, and related topics. This publication provides high-quality research articles and reviews of the latest developments that are of interest to the cytology community. The journal also provides a platform for researchers to share their views, discuss their research findings and share their findings with the cytology community. 



Journal of Advanced Cytology(JCY) has a strong commitment to responsible and ethical publication practices, and this commitment is reflected in the editorial processes and policies implemented. Journal of Advanced Cytology(JCY) adheres to the highest standards of editorial integrity. Additionally, the journal is committed to ensuring the highest standards of ethical conduct among authors, reviewers, and editors. JCY is able to provide researchers with an important platform for communicating their work, and for furthering the development of cytological research.


Instructions for authors

The journal encourages its authors to discuss the progress and advances in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of conditions related to cytology. JCY is committed to publishing high-quality research and to upholding standards of ethical scientific publishing. All submissions must adhere to the guidelines listed in the journal's Instructions for Authors. The authors are expected to provide original research, accurate data, and clear writing, along with full disclosure of any conflicts of interest. The authors must ensure they have followed the journalas guideline. The authors should also include any supporting materials. 


Editorial Board

The editorial board of the Journal of Advanced Cytology(JCY) consists of experts in the field of stem cell biology, cytogenetics, molecular biology, and related topics. The board is composed of internationally recognized scientists from major universities and interdisciplinary research institutes. The members collaborate to ensure the journal's high standards and quality are maintained. The editors are responsible for selecting articles for publication in the journal. The articles are carefully reviewed for accuracy and originality before being accepted for publication.


Article Processing Charges

JCY follows the Open Access model, meaning that all published content is freely available to readers on the internet without any subscription charges or registration fees. To support this open access model, Article Processing Charge (APC) on authors or their institutions or funders for each article accepted for publication. This APC enables us to cover the costs related to the publication process, such as journal production and editorial costs, and thereby provide free access to all published content.


Submission Procedure

Authors can submit their manuscripts for consideration for publication either through the online submission system or by sending the manuscript to the editorial office in an email attachment. Once the manuscript is received, it is subjected to a mandatory quality check followed by peer review by experts in the respective field. If accepted, the manuscript will be published online, as open access and freely available in the public domain.

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences