Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, University Hospital Wuerzburg, Head of Research Unit Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine
+49 (931) 201 - 3 00 65
Carola Forster
University Hospital Wuerzburg, Dept. of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Division Experimental Anesthesiology Centre of Operative Medicine, Oberduerrbacher Strasse 6, 97080 Wuerzburg, Germany
Research Interests:
Biology of aging, Neurodegenerative disease, Brain cancer, Neuroinflammation
- 2018 Organizing Committee Member and Speaker for 2nd World Heart Congress 2018 in Tokyo, Japan.
- 2018 Workshop-Organizer for 2nd World Heart Congress 2018 in Tokyo, Japan. Topic: “Estrogen Receptor-Beta Activation: A Novel Approach to Prevent Ischemic Brain Damage as a comorbidity of heart failure”
- 2017 Session Chair Young Research Forum for World Heart Congress 2017 in Osaka, Japan
- 2017 Workshop-Organizer for World Heart Congress 2017 in Osaka, Japan. Topic: „MicroRNA in cardiovascular disorders “
- 2016 Ranking # 2 ERA Chair in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Ageing, University of Coimbra, Coimbra Portugal
- 2014 Ranking #1 (primo et aequo loco) for Professorship in Physiology, University Uppsala, Sweden
- 2014 Ranking # 4 for Professorship in Pharmacology, University Linköping, Sweden
- 2013/2014 Coordinator Proposal preparation for joint-call “Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS) Innovative Approaches to Science and Engineering Research on Brain Function” of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the US American National Science Foundation (NSF) with proposal: “miRNA expression patterns in brain microvascular endothelial cells following ischemic brain damage”
- 2013 Ranking # 3 for Professorship in Physiology with focus on cardiovascular Physiology, University Lund, Sweden
- 2013 Evaluator for the Marie Curie Individual fellowships evaluation: call “exercise” (LIFE Panel) of the European Commission
- 2013 Development of a joint PhD-concept between the Department of Molecular Neurophysiology and Chair of Forensic Medicine
- 2012 Coordinator Consortium Finding 7th Framework Program of the European Union; Call: HEALTH.2013.2.2.1-4: Patho-physiology and therapy of epilepsy and epileptiform disorders
- 2012 Organisor of an exchange program for MD Students between the University of Würzburg/Germany (responsible in Würzburg: Prof. Dr. Carola Förster) and the University of Okayama/Japan (responsible Japan: Prof. Yoshifumi Ninomiya, Vice Executive Director, International Affairs, Okayama University and Professor and Chairman, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan
- 2012/2013 Lead Guest Editor Special issue Intl. J. of Endocrinology
- 2011/2012 Lead Guest Editor Special issue Intl. J. of Cell Biology
- 2011 Development and Leader of Department Bioinformatics (Virtual-Screen Lab) at Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, University Hospital Würzburg
- 09/2010 Recording of the Biography in Marquis Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 28th edition 2011, 29th edition 2012
- 07/2010 Recording of the Biography in Kürschners Deutschen Gelehrten-Kalender Bio-Bibliographical Index of German-language scientists of the present 23ste edition
- 02/2010 Candidate for Alfried-Krupp-Award for jung university lecturers
- 2009 – 2013 Award of the BMBF Program for Women Professors
- 2009 Ranking # 3 Professorship Molecular Medicine, Scientific Direction, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
- since 11/2009 Reviewer of the Medical Research Council, MRC London, UK
- since 10/2009 Reviewer of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG
- Carola Förster has a convincing track record in (neuro)physiology with a strong focus on the (dis)functions of the blood-brain barrier (BBB).
- A significant aspect of her research is related to regulation of gene expression at the BBB, specifically by non-coding RNA, particular microRNA, to offer pharmacological solutions to the observed BBB alterations.
- For this, CF systematically studies the mechanisms from gene regulation, through transcription, to protein degradation and cellular morphology, linking basic science with clinical aspects.
- After years of experience in research, evaluation, teaching and administration both in hospital and education institutions, CF developed different in vitro and in vivo models of cerebrovascular disease and established recently a division of computational model to further strengthen this area of research.