DNA Diagnostic Laboratory,
University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
21 35472680
Cesar Amaral
DNA Diagnostic Laboratory,
Rio de Janeiro State University,
San Francisco Xavier Street,
524 - PHLC - Ground Floor.
Research Interests:
Marine Biology, Ichthyology, Biogeography, Systematics, and Forensic Biology
- Associate researcher and forensic expert at the Laboratory of Diagnostics by DNA of the Rio de Janeiro State University.
- Associate researcher at the population genetics team on the Institute of Pathology and Molecular Immunology of the University of Porto, Portugal.
- Post-Doctorate in Genetics and Forensic Biology in the program PPGB / UERJ - PRODOC / CAPES 2014.
- Post-Doctorate in Genetics and Forensic Biology by CAPES Program Pro-Defesa 3 / Edital 31/2013.
- PhD in Biosciences by the Rio de Janeiro State University in the area of Animal Biology, Genetics and Evolution.
- Master in Geosciences by the Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Geology of the Rio de Janeiro State University with emphasis on Paleoichthyology, Paleontology, and Paleogeography.
- Graduated in Biology at the Rio de Janeiro State University, with emphasis on Ichthyology and Paleogeography.
- 2013- Honorable Mention NIA 2013, Neotropical Ichthyological Association
- 2012 - Scientific Initiation Week (cat IC Junior) - Evanildo Bechara Award, Rio de Janeiro State University (Supervisor)