Carlo Aprile
14, via Casarini
I-27040 Castelletto Branduzzo [PV]
Research Interests:
- PET imaging,
- SPET imaging,
- Intraoperative Radiodetection,
- Internal radiotherapy (thyroid diseases and bone metastases),
- Radiopharmacy
- Radioimmunometry.
- High school degree in Milan in 1967
- Medicine and Surgery degree at Pavia University academic year 1972/73
- Post graduate degree in Nuclear Medicine at Milan University in 1977
- Post graduate degree in Oncology at Pavia University in 1980
- Authorized Physician for Radioprotection - Ministry of Labour in 1980
- Assistant Nuclear Medicine Unit of Fond. S. Maugeri. IRCCS in Pavia from 1974
- Vice-head of the same Unit in 1979
- Head of the Nuclear Medicine Unit of Fond. S. Maugeri. IRCCS from 1988 to 2006
- Professor under contract at Pavia University Faculty of Medicine and Surgery from 1984 up to 2014
- Director of SC Medicina Nucleare IRCCS Fondazione Policlinico S. Matteo - Pavia, from may 2006 to November 2014
- Consulting Nuclear Physician at Fond. CNAO (National Oncologic Hadrontherapy Centre) in Pavia-Italy from march 2015
- Consulting Nuclear Physician (research & development) at IRCCS Fond. Policlinico S. Matteo in Pavia -Italy
- Member of EANM
- Member of AIMN
- Member of Italian Society of Amyloidosis
- Member and Responsible for Quality Improvement of GISCRIS (vice-president in 1992-3), until 4/2008.
- Author of more than 200 scientific reports, including book chapters and congress communications, his research field is directed to oncology, nephrology, radiopharmacy and to the development of radiopharmaceuticals for the amyloid imaging.
- All study trial conduced in respect ICH/GCP and the last training performed on 11 September 2013.