Antonio Valenti
INAIL National Institute for Work Accident Insurance Rome, Italy
Research Interests:
Risk Assessment, Safety, Occupational Health.
- Work-related stress risk assessment in Italy: a methodological proposal adapted to regulatory guidelines.
- Work-related stress risk assessment in Italy: the validation study of health safety and executive indicator tool.
- Occupational safety and health in Europe: Lessons from the past, challenges and opportunities for the future.
- Hard and soft law approaches to addressing psychosocial risks in Europe: lessons learned in the development of the Italian approach.
- OHS management and employers’ perception: differences by firm size in a large Italian company survey.
- An integrated approach to the assessment of work-related stress risk: comparison of findings from two tools in an Italian methodology.
- Collaboration of occupational physicians with national health system and general practitioners in Italy.
- Stakeholders’ perception of the possible implications of “green jobs” for health and safety at work in Italy.
- Flora archeopalinologica dalla Villa romana del Casale e dall’Insediamento medievale di Piazza Armerina (Enna e Sicilia) e suo ruolo per i Siti. 104 Congresso Nazionale della Società Botanica Italiana.
- Migration, work flexibility and early retirement of nurses in Italy.