Department of Management, Environmental Engineering and Geology, University of Petrosani.
street Institutului, no.20, Petrosani, cod 332006, Hunedoara, Romania
Research Interests:
Occupational Health and Safety, Safety at Work Place, Industrial Ergonomics, Occupational Ergonomics, Applied Ergonomics, Human Factors
- SABINA IRIMIE Professor at the Management Department, University of Petrosani, Romania, teaches:
- Human Resources Management, Ergonomics. And same times she is also founding member of the Jiu Valley Association Social Institute. Holds a bachelor degree in engineering from Mining Institute, Petrosani, (1981), a PhD in industrial engineering (2003).
- Professional activity: - 9 years of experience at a firm in the field of mining equipment - IUM Petrosani, in the departments of work organizing, and human resources (as chief of department); - In scientific and academic area, over 27 years of experience.
- This activity resulted in enhanced scientific activity, elaborating books and textbooks (author/co-author), scientific papers published in books, and journals, at a national and international level, scientific papers presented at conferences, symposiums, scientific papers contests at both a national and international level.
- Scientific papers (author and co-author): total 208 specialty works elaborated, of which 12 ISBN books (Industrial Ergonomics, Organizational Behavior and Leadership in Managerial Education, Human Resource Management, Business Management, Management in Tourism and Services), 25 ISI quoted papers, other 47 papers in international databases.
- Between 1990 I participated as a member in the research team of 40 scientific research contracts and in the elaboration of 20 applications for financing from pre-access and structural European funds.
- She is also in International Editorial Board at IBIMA publishing journals, International Journal of Marketing & Human Resource Management and Eastern European Business and Economics Journal.
- She is also reviewer for several scientific publications and is currently a member in many scientific and professional bodies: the American Academy of Management (AOM), the Management Academic Society in Romania (SAMRO), Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Entrepreneurship Research and Education Network of Central European Universities (ERENET).
- Founder and coordinator of the Master degree program in Human Resource Management and Master Business Administration, starting with 2004.
- Research interests: Human Resource Management, Ergonomics, Work Safety, Stress Management, Gender Study, Leadership, Organizational Communication, Business and Education. September 15th, 2017