Ondokuz Mayis University,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Kurupelit Campuse, 55139,
Mustafa salman
Ondokuz Mayis University,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Kurupelit Campuse,
Research Interests:
Ruminant feeding, feeding, ration preparation, feeding-related metabolic diseases, Feeding ruminant animals, neonatal nutrition, energy metabolism during the transition period.
- Salman, M., Yildiz, G. 2009. Effects of different levels of organic selenium supplementation on fattening performance, carcass characteristics and blood GSH-Px activity in lambs. Revue Médecine Véterinaire, 160, 5, 258-264.
- Salman, M., Muglali, O.H., Selcuk, Z. 2009. Investigations into effects on performance and glutathione peroxidase activity in broilers when increasing selenium contents of complete diets appropriate to animals’ selenium requirements by adding different selenium compounds (organic vs. inorganic). Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 116, 6, 233-237.
- Selcuk, Z., Ustaoglu Tiril, S., Alagil, F., Belen, V., Salman, M., Cenesiz, S., Muglali, O. H., Yagci, B. 2010. Effects of Dietary L-Carnitine and Chromium picolinate Supplementations on Performance and some Serum Parameters in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Aquaculture International, 18, 213-221.
- Cetinkaya, N., Salman, M., Genc, B. 2010 . Determination of microbial nitrogen in the small intestine from urine purine derivatives by spot sampling in Saanen goats and kidneys. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafkas University , 16 (1): 75-79.
- Muglali, O.H., Salman, M. 2010. The Use of Sugar Beet Pulp As Silo Cover; Suluova Experience. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Kafkas University, 16, 351-352.
- Selcuk, Z., Ustaoglu, S., Alagil, F., Salman, M., Muglali, O.H. 2010. Effect of extruded red lentil meal on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and dorsal muscle composition in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus myksis), The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, Cilt 62 (3), 163-171, 2010.
- Muglali,OH., Salman, M., Selcuk, Z., Genc, B., Karadas, F. 2012. The effect of a lactic acid bacteria inoculant on corn silage ensiled at the different stages of vegetation. Veterinary Research, 5 (2):41-45.
- Salman, M., Muglalı, OH., Gulbahar, MY., Ozdener, Y., Selcuk,Z. 2012. The effects of seeds of Galeopsis ladanum on fattening performance in quails and occurrence of rhabdomyolysis in rats. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11 (77):14236-14241.
- Salman, M., Muglali, O.H., Selcuk, Z. 2007. Effect of vitamin E and selenium on performance, plasma and tissue GSH-Px activity in broilers. Journal of Istanbul Veterinary Science,3:25-34.
- Salman, M. 2005. The importance of selenium to healthy of animal and man. Journal of Turkish Veterinary Medical Association. (76) 1:19-22.