Ravi Madan
Kothiwal dental college,
Research Interests:
- Material Characterization
- Rehabilitation
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Prosthodontics
- Polymethyl Methacrylate
- Prosthodontic rehabilitation of a patient with true partial anodontia - A case report.
- Comparison of temperature rise in pulp chamber during polymerization of materials used for direct fabrication of provisional restorations: An in-vitro study.
- 15. Gingival dilation – a boon in fixed prosthodontics’ Published in Annals of dental speciality 2014 Vol. 2; Issue 4. Oct – Dec 2014.
- “Dental erosion and its management in clinical practice” published in Chronicles of Dental Research 2013;2(3):4-9..
- prosthodontic management of a patient with partial anodontia: A clinical case report.
- Gagging mechanism and clinical management- part I.
- Nutrition in maxillofacial prosthetic patients: The unexplored frontier.
- Occlusal splints: A conservative approach in the management of TMJ disorders” published in Asian journal of Clinical Dentistry 2010;1(2):9-15..