Sileoni, Valeria
- Italian Brewing Research Centre (CERB) – University of Perugia, via Corrotaldo snc, 06051 Casalina – Deruta – Perugia.
- Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences - University of Perugia, via San Costanzo snc, I-06126 Perugia.
Research Interests:
food (especially brewing) science and technology, chemical analyses on food, spectroscopy and chemometrics, gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry.
- Born in San Severino Marche MC (Italy) in 1983.
- Master-degree in Chemical and Industrial Biotechnologies (2007).
- From January 2008 – to 2011 PhD student in Food Sciences Technology and Biotechnology at the University of Perugia, Department of Economic and Food Sciences and Italian Brewing Research Centre (CERB)– tutor Dott. G: Perretti:
- The title of thesis is: “Study of innovative methods of control in the cereal productive chain for the production of beer and spirits”.
- From 2011 to now, temporary employed at University of Perugia, Department of Economic and Food Sciences and Italian Brewing Research Centre (CERB).
- Her main research activities deal with: food (especially brewing) science and technology, chemical analyses on food, spectroscopy and chemometrics, gas and liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry.
- May 15, 2012: Training Course on: "Correct Use of the pipette - GPP Guidelines", Pomezia, Hotel Antonella - Mettler Toledo S.P.A.
- May 15, 2012: Training Course on: "How to correctly weigh in the Laboratory - GWP Guidelines ", Pomezia, hotel Anonella - Mettler Toledo S.P.A.
- January 2008 - December 2010: PhD with scholarship in Food Science and Biotechnology - XXIII cycle - Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna (in consortium with University of Perugia). Title of the thesis: "Study of innovative methods of production process control of cereals for the production of beer and spirits" - Tutor Prof. Giuseppe Peretti. Obtaining the title of "Doctor Europaeus" the 26/05/2011, after a seven months abroad internship during the period of the PhD, as well as the writing and the defending of the thesis in English at the presence of two International referees.
- 5 to 16 September 2011: "PhD Course on multi-way Analysis", Department of Food Science, Technology and Quality section, spectroscopy and chemometric group, LIFE - University of Copenhagen (Denmark) - Prof. Rasmus Bro.
- January 2010 - May 2010: Participation as hearer to some lessons of the II edition of the 1st level Master in: “Brewing technologies" – Italian Brewing Research Centre - University of Perugia.
- 20 to 22 July 2009: " PhD Course on Process Analytical Technology", Microbial Biotechnology Center, Technical University of Denmark and the Faculty of Life Sciences, Copenhagen (Denmark) – Prof. van den Berg.
- 5 to 8 May 2008: "Course on Vibrational spectroscopy (FT-IR, NIR, Raman)", Bruker Optics s. r. the. - Milan (Italy).
- 2005 - 2007: Master Degree in Chemical and Industrial Biotechnologies, final score 110/110 cum laude, obtained at the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Perugia, the 13/07/2007. Title of the thesis: "Analytical determinations in the production process of beer by using NIR (Near Infra Red)".
- 30/10/2006: Internal Training Course for "Validation of Methods and Estimation of the Measurement Uncertainty for Chemical analysis" - Italian Brewing Research Centre - University of Perugia.
- 2002 - 2005: Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology (chemical - industrial curriculum), final score 109/110, obtained at Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Perugia, the 21/10/2005. Title of the thesis: "Effect of genotoxic polynuclear quinones".
- 1997-2002: Secondary School focusing on sciences, final score 98/100, awarded at the High School "Leonardo da Vinci", Tolentino (MC) (Italy)”