Marcello Iriti
Via G. Celoria,
2 - 20133 Milan,
Research Interests:
- Bioactive phytochemicals: phenylpropanoids (polyphenols, i.e. flavonoids, stilbenes and proanthocyanidins); isoprenoids (monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes "essential oils; lycopene" carotenoids); alkaloids.
- Antioxidant, anticancer and cardioprotective activities of plant products.
- Mediterranean Diet and healthy properties of red wine. Nutrition and oral health.
- Dietary melatonin and related indoleamines. Phytosterols.
- Ethnonutrition, ethnopharmacology and ethnobotany.
- Professor of Plant Biology and Pathology at the Department of Agricultural end Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Milan State University.
- Member of the Board of the PhD School in Sciences for Food Systems, Milan State University.
- Member of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU).
- He has been studying bioactive phytochemicals relevant for human nutrition and health, including melatonin, polyphenols and carotenoids, focusing on their functional role in planta, as well as on in vitro/in vivo and in human biological activities.
- Furthermore, he has been investigating the effects of elicitors on plant secondary metabolism, as an approach to obtain phytochemical-enriched plant foods.