Anastasios Koulaouzidis
Endoscopy Unit,
The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh,
51 Little France Crescent,
Edinburgh, EH16 4SA UK.
Research Interests:
Capsule endoscopy, anaemia, transferrin receptors, fecal calprotectin, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, ascites, portal hypertension, microscopic colitis.
- Dr. Anastasios Koulaouzidis obtained his MD from the Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), in 1995.
- He became a Member of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (UK) in 2004 and a Fellow of the same College in 2013.
- He is also a Fellow of the European Board of Gastroenterology (2009) and the Royal Society for Public Health (UK) in 2013.
- Since 2009, he is working at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
- He is the author/co-author of three book chapters and more than 90 PubMed articles.
- His research interests include clinical applications of capsule endoscopy, concept development, artificial neural networks application, quality improvement and software diagnostics in capsule endoscopy.
- Other specialty interests include anaemia, faecal calprotectin, microscopic colitis, soluble transferrin receptors and conventional endoscopy.
- He is member of the editorial and/or advisory board of several specialty journals and the Editor-in-Chief of the recently launched Global Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology.
- Dr Koulaouzidis was awarded the Given Imaging-ESGE Research grant 2011, one of innovation Initiative-University of Edinburgh grants in 2011 and one of the ESGE visiting Fellow postgraduate grants (2010).