Professor and Head of Anatomy and Embryology, Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Mohamed Gomaa Tawfiek Abdellatief
BeniSuef University, Beni-Suef 62511, Egypt.
Research Interests:
Immunohistochemistry, Tissue Culture, In Vitro Cell Culture, Animals, Cell Biology, Veterinary Anatomy, Ruminant Nutrition, Gross Anatomy, Histopathology, Immunocytochemistry
- My bachelor degree (2001) in Veterinary Medical Sciences from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Beni-Suef branch, Egypt. Master degree (2007) in Veterinary Medical Sciences (Anatomy and Embryology) from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Egypt.
- I had a joint supervision mission funded from the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education for two years from 01/03/2009 to 28/03/2011 at Virginia Maryland (VA-MD) Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg Campus, Blacksburg 24060, Virginia (VA), United States of America. PhD entitled “Preparation of audiovisual aids for use in teaching Veterinary Anatomy.”
- Abedellaah BA, Awaad AS, Tawfiek MG, Mousa MA, Bakr HA, Mahdy EA (2013). Ruminocecal Anastomosis for Treatment of Recurrent Tympany: Experimental Study in Goats. Journal of the Egyptian Veterinary Medical Association, 73(1): 129–138.
- Awaad AS, Moawad KM, Tawfiek MG (2014). Comparative Histo-morphological and Histochemical Studies on the Oesophagus of Nile tilapia “Oreochromis niloticus” and African catfish “Clarias gariepinus.” Journal of Histology, 2014, Article ID 987041, 10 pages. Hindawi Publishing Corporation. https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/987041
- Awaad AS, Tawfiek MG, Moawad UK, Abdel Razek AH, Abedellaah BA (2015). Morphohistological and Surgical Anatomy of the Sinus Interdigitalis in Egyptian Native Breeds of Sheep. Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and applied Sciences, 4(2):157–166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bjbas.2015.05.010