Nunzia Nappo
Via Rodinò 22 - 80134 Naples.
Research Interests:
volunteer work, social capital, health economics, relational goods and happiness, labor economics, job satisfaction.
Current job position 05/2008 - Today
- Confirmed Researcher in Political Economy (SECS-P / 01).
- Currently a member of the Teachings of International Economics and International Economic Integration at the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Naples "Federico II"
- Scientific committees and offices in research institutions
- External Affiliate of HEDG - Health Economics and Data Group - Department of Economics and Related Studies University of York Coordinator of the Scientific Council of the Alts (Breast Cancer Fighting Association)
- Social participation and self-rated psychological health: a longitudinal study on BHPS, SSM - Population Health, in collaboration with Damiano Fiorillo and Giuseppe Lubrano Lavadera, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph. 2017.02.003, 2017.
- Curatela with Salvatore Esposito of the book "La rete della politica prima", Cacucci Editore, 2016.
- Health and the actors responsible for its protection, in collaboration with Damiano Fiorillo, in "The network of politics before" by Salvatore Esposito and Nunzia Nappo, Cacucci Editore, 2016.
- Introduction, in collaboration with Salvatore Esposito, to the book "La rete della politica prima" curated by Salvatore Esposito and Nunzia Nappo, Cacucci Editore, 2016.
- Interaction on Job and Employee Effort within the Italian Social Cooperatives, Forum for Social Economics, volume 45, issue 4, 2016.
- Formal volunteering and self-perceived health. Causal evidence from the UK-SILC, 2016, Review of Social Economy, in collaboration with Damiano Fiorillo, DOI: 10.1080 / 00346764.2016.1186822.
- Determinants and effects of volunteering: an economic profile, in collaboration with Damiano Fiorillo, Cacucci Editore, 2015.
- Formal and Informal Volunteering and Health in Mediterranean Europe, in collaboration with Damiano Fiorillo, Athens Journal of Mediterranean Studies , volume 1, issue 4, October 2015, pp. 297-310.
- Job satisfaction in Italy: individual characteristics and social relations, in collaboration with Damiano Fiorillo, International Journal of Social Economics , volume 41, issue 8, 2014.
- 5 per thousand between tax subsidiarity and development of new fundraising strategies , in M. Musella and G. Luise, The 5 x thousand a tool of subsidiarity, Pisanti Editore, 2013.
- Volunteering, social capital and local development , in A. Amendola - M. Musella, Training and social relations - The virtuous investments to get the Mezzogiorno into motion, Giappichelli Editore, 2013.
- The reason for volunteering, Cacucci Editore, 2013.
- Volunteering as an actor of subsidiarity , in M. Musella, Horizontal subsidiarity. Economics, politics, territorial experiences in Campania, Carocci Editore, 2012.
- The determinants of volunteering , M. Musella, The end is the beginning, Turin: Giappichelli Editore, 2011.
- The role of volunteering in the work relationship - not work - training: a look at the Italian social cooperatives, Rivista della Cooperazione del Luzzatti : October / December 2010: pp. 135-29.