Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Health Sciences Center, Department of Physical Education.
(84) 32153455
Paulo Moreira Silva Dantas
Avenida Salgado Filho sn Lagoa Nova 59072-900 - Natal, RN - Brasil
Research Interests:
Commissions and Consulting,
Health Sciences Center,
Department of Physical Education.
- PhD in Health Sciences and Post-doctorate in Health and Society, Master in Human Molecular Sciences,Specialist in Sports Training and Physical Activity in Health Promotion, Graduation in Physical Education.
- Currently Associate Professor of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in the Physical Education Department, strictu senso (Post-Graduation Program and Health Sciences - PPGCSa) and strictu senso (Post-graduation Program in Physical Education - PPGEF), Review of the Magazines Motricidade, Brazilian Journal of Physiotherapy, Acta Scientiarum. Health Science, International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Brazilian Journal of Biometrics, Portuguese Journal of Sports Sciences, Journal of Clinical Densitometry.
- Evaluator of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research and Research Member of the Brazilian Paralympic Academy. He has experience in the Physical Education area, with emphasis in Physical Fitness and Health Standards Analysis Using Measurement Tests and Physical Evaluation, Motor Learning,
- working mainly on the following topics: Maturation and biophysical performance variables, Physical Activity and HIV / AIDS, Activity Physics and Person with Disabilities, Heredity in Studies with Gemini and ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND HEALTH. (Text informed by the author.