Gabriela Fernandes
Research Interests:
Medicine, Dentistry, Genetic Engineering, Medical & Health, Profession Education,Genetic Engineering, Clinical Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Medical & Health Profession Education, Implant Dentistry, Esthetic Dentistry, Oral Surgery, Endodontics, Periodontology, Dental Implantology, Aesthetic Dentistry, Fixed Prosthodontics, Bone Composite, Resins, Plasma, Dental Prosthesis, Periodontics and Oral Pathology, Bone Regeneration, Oral Implantology, Dentistry Oral Pathology, Oral Diseases, Root Canal Treatment, Osseointegration, Periodontal Surgery, Laser in Dentistry, Mesenchymal Stem Cell, Hydrogel, Bone Resorption, Periodontal Regeneration, Periodontics, Sterility, Oral Biology, Osteogenic Differentiation, Osteoblasts, Disinfection Melatonin.
- Feb 2017: ICOI grant foundation
- Oct 2016 Grant: AAID grant foundation
- Jun 2016 Grant: Cobre foundation via the NIH programme
- Jun 2015 Award: WNY Stem cell medicine poster nomination
- May 2015 Grant: American statistical association
- May 2015:Award: Erwin neter/American society of Microbiology - WNY
- Gabriela Fernandes, Changdong Wang, Xue Yuan, Zunpeng Liu, Rosemary Dziak, Shuying Yang: Combination of Controllably Released Platelet Rich Plasma Alginate Beads and Bone Morphogenic Protein-2 Gene-Modified Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Bone Regeneration. Journal of Periodontology 01/2016; 87(4):1-19. DOI:10.1902/jop.2016.150487
- Gabriela Fernandes, Michael Hatton: Prevention of Alveolar Osteitis: A case report and review of literature;NYSDJ 2016
- Nilofer Sultan Sheikh, Neelima S. Rajhans, Preeti Mundhe, Gabriela Jude Fernandez, Nilkanth Mhaske, Nikesh Moolya, HM Sudeep: A single visit immediate temporization with natural tooth pontic for periodontally involved anterior teeth: an esthetic and innovative approach. 01/2015; 4(1):214. DOI:10.5958/2319-5886.2015.00035.1
- Nilofer Sultan Sheikh, Neelima S. Rajhans, Nikesh Moolya, Nilkanth Mhaske, Gabrieala Jude Frenandes, H.M. Sudeep H.M.: Bacterial Contamination of Toothbrushes and their Disinfection by 4% Edta, 10% Sodium Perborate and 3% Neem Juice: A Clinico - Microbiology Study. 12/2014; 2(2):56-62. DOI:10.12974/2311-8695.2014.02.02.3
- Gabriela Fernandes, andrew barone, Rosemary Dziak(2016): Effects of Verapamil on bone cancer cells in vitro;J cell biol cell metab 3:013
- Gabriela Fernandes (2017) External cervical resorption: a case report and review of literature;IJESC Volume7 Issue03
- Gabriela Fernandes, Nilofer Sheikh (2017) the diagnosis and treatment of altered passive eruption: a case report. International journal of current research, volume 9Issue02
- Nilofer Sheikh, Nilima Rajhans, Gabriela Fernandes, Komaldeep Gothra(2017) Rare Lipoma of the retromandibular region. International journal of current research, volume 9Issue02
- Adi Alghanem, Gabriela Fernandes, Michelle Visser, Camila Sabatini (2017) Biocompatibility and bond degradation of poly-acrylic acid coated copper iodideadhesives Dental Materials
- Gabriela Fernandes, Michael hatton; Prevention of alveolar osteitis (2016) West Coast District Dental Association spring issue
- Zunpeng Liu, Xue Yuan, Gabriela Fernandes, Rosemary Dziak, Ciprian N. Ionita, Chunyi Li ,Changdong Wang, Shuying Yang (2017) The combination of nano-calcium sulfate/platelet rich plasma gel scaffold with BMP2 gene-modified mesenchymal stem cells promotes bone regeneration in rat critical-sized calvarial defects; Stem cell therapy and research
- Gabriela Fernandes, Changdong Wang, Xue Yuan, Zunpeng Liu, Rosemary Dziak, Shuying Yang: Combination of Controllably Released Platelet Rich Plasma Alginate Beads and Bone Morphogenic Protein-2 Gene-Modified Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Bone Regeneration. Mesenchymal stem cell News.
- Rashmi Aiyar, Namrata Bajaj, Richa Mehta, Nirja Mamania, Gabriela Fernandes (2017) A comparative evaluation of the effect of commonly used mouthwashes, essential oils and pomegranate juice on the inhibition of micro-organisms isolated from the dental plaque International journal of current research.