Christopher Mesagno
Federation University Australia,
Faculty of Health,
PO Box 663,
Ballarat, Victoria 3353 Australia.
Research Interests:
- Performance under pressure
- Anxiety/Stress in Sport
- Self-Presentation
- Performance Enhancement
- Social psychology in sport
- Sport Psychology
- Christopher has presented numerous national and international papers focusing on stress and anxiety in sport performance and has successfully developed theory-matched interventions to improve performance for highly anxious and "choking-susceptible" athletes.
- He is currently conducting research to further conceptualise and expand a self-presentation model of choking under pressure.
- Christopher is also interested in how social media affects sport performance and exercise behaviours, with specific interests on whether Facebook can help improve health and well-being through better health related decision-making.
- With his expertise in anxiety, coping, attention, and improving concentration skills, he has worked with a number of athletes within a range of team and individual sports to enhance performance.