Sheriff Maqbul Muazzam, Badr Saeed Muaadh, Dawoud Areej, Mohammed Tasneem, Abedulla Khan Kayamkani, Rahman Ikbal Abdul, Abdullatif Khan Aejaz, Shakeel Iqubal S.M., Efficacy of Phytochemical Constituents of Castor Essential oil Towards the Mucor-Mycotic Mold Cunninghamella Bertholletiae, Journal of New Developments in Chemistry, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 1-11, ISSN 2377-2549, (https://oap-journals.infojndc/article/1415) Keywords: Castor essential oil; Cunninghamella bertholletiae; antimicrobial activity; phytochemical properties; mucor mycotic infection; antibiotics; mucor