Mohamed BALLI
Quantum Institute & Department of Physics, University of Sherbrooke, 2500 Boulevard de l'Université, J1K 2R1, QC, Canada.
Research Interests:
- Intermetallics, oxides, magnetic and magnetocaloric materials, multiferroics, nanomaterials, thin films and single crystals.
- Preparation of materials by different techniques such as: Pulsed Laser deposition (PLD), Arc melting, magnetic induction, solid-solid reaction, solid-gas reaction.
- Characterization of materials using different methods: XRD, Neutrons scattering, Raman scattering, magnetic measurements (by extraction, VSM, SQUID…etc.), PPMS measurements.
- Theoretical modeling of physical properties such as: magnetization, magnetocaloric effect, specific heat, entropy…etc.
- Numerical simulation of electromagnetic problems.
- Optimization and design of high magnetic field sources.
- Development of magnetic cooling devices and facilities for magnetocaloric properties measurement.
- Energy conversion.
- Dr. Mohamed Balli is aiming to understand how to particularly make magnetocaloric materials useful in our daily life such as clean and efficient refrigeration, gas storage, cancer treatment and much more.
- M. Balli received his Master degree in Mechanics of Materials from Montpellier II University and a second Master degree in Magnetism from Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble 1).
- In 2008, he obtained his PhD degree in physics of materials specializing in magnetocaloric materials, from Joseph Fourier University prepared at Néel Institute.
- Between 2008 and 2012, he was Enseignant-Chercheur “Assistant Professor” at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, before joining the University of Sherbrooke, Canada, where he works currently as a Scientist in the Quantum Institute.
- He is the member of the Working Party on Magnetic Refrigeration, International Institute of Refrigeration.
- His research work had a great impact on the development of magnetocalorics. One of his patents is currently commercialized and industrialized by ArcelorMittal and Erasteel Companies.
- In 2012, he contributed to the creation of Clean Cooling Systems (CCS), a Swiss company specializing in the development of green technologies for refrigeration applications.
- His research work on magnetocalorics has received numerous awards including:
- Rising Star Researcher (Chercheur étoile) award given by the Research Fund: Nature and Technology, Canada (2014) and the “Research and Innovation Prize 2015” from Sherbrooke University.