Hasan Abd El-Ghaffar
72 Al-Mashaya street,
Research Interests:
- Cancer stem cell
- Characterization either in vitro or in vivo studies for future target therapy using nano delivery
- Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University MD 1983-1987
- Faculty of Medicine“ Mansoura University MS 1979-1982
- Faculty of Medicine – Mansoura University M.B.B.Ch (Bachelor degree) in Medicine and Surgery 1970-1976
- Attallah A.M.,abdel-ghaffar, H.,Fawzy,A.alghraoui,allijani M.R Mahmoud L.A.,Ghoneim, and helfrich,G.B. "Early immunology predication of Renal allograft rejection" .int. archs .allergy , appi.immunol.83-87(1987).
- Attallah A.M.,Abdel-ghaffar, H. Fawzy,A.alghraoui,allijani M.R Mahmoud L.A.,Ghoneim, and helfrich,G.B. "interferon enhanced antibody -dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity and prediction of rejection in renal allograft". Transplantation proceeding Vol XIX pp. 15 89-15 91,(19 87).
- Attallah A.M.,Abdel-ghaffar, H.,Fawzy,A.alghraoui,allijani M.R Mahmoud L.-A.,Ghoneim, and helfrich,G.B. "Cell mediated immunity and biological response modifiers in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus complicated by end stage renal disease." int.archs.allergy appl.immunol.83,278-?83(1987)
- Attalah, A.M., fleisher J. A.,Hu. R. AbdeI-Ghaffar,H.,Ibrahim , S., Metwalli, A., Zoon,K. "the biological activities of ifn-2 fragment". Interferon research,7 233-229(1987).
- Attallah, A.M,Abdel-Ghaffar, H.,Alghraoui,F., Fawzi,A.,alijani,M.R, Mahmoud, Ghomem, MA and Helfrich, G B.: Immunological monitoring and early prediction of rejection in renal allograft recipients Int.Archs Allergy Appl.Immunol.8410-17(1987).
- A.Mahdy,M A I-Basousy, Amr.A.sarhan, Abdel-Ghaffar, H. ,lotfy, A.Mahmoud,Yossef A.al-tonbary "Epidemiologic study of 2 1 0 ALL cases (a I 0-years study )" Egyptian J. hematology , Vol 13 No.3-4189:202(1988)
- Lotfy,A.Mahmoud, Ghoneim,MA.abdel-Ghaffar, H.,Fawzy A.alghraoui,F alijani,MR.Heifrich ,GB.attalah ,A.M- the effects of blood transfusion on some immunological parameters in recipients of renal allograft. Egyptian J. hematology (1988)
- M.sobh, A.shehab el-din, F. moustafa, H.abdel-Ghaffar, G. el-wahidi, and M. ghoniem, "Kaposi sarcoma after kidney transplantation .an etiologic study and a successful treatment proceeding of the 2 nd international meeting on current therapy in nephrology" .Sorrento Italy May 22-25/1988.ln vittorio e.a. and antonio d.(eds)current therapy in Nephrology , kluwer academic publishers,(1988).
- M. sobh, H.A. Abdel-Ghaffar, M Gehad and A. Rifaia "Correction of anemia of end stage renal disease by recombinant human erythropoietin". Egyptian journal of haemetology, Vol. 15 No. 1-2,15 7(1989).
- Mahmoud L., Al-bassousy M, Abdel-Ghaffar H., Mahmoud N, Salem M and Aref S. "Effect of splenectomy on iron status in B-thalassaemia major. the Egyptian journal of Hematology Vol 1 5 No') -4275 1990.