Institute of Particle Technology (LFG)
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Erlangen, Germany
Saman Hosseinpour
Research Interests:
- Protein adsorption on colloids and interfaces
- Biodegradable materials
- Water splitting on TiO2 surface studied by vibrational Spectroscopy
- Oxidation of metals studied by vibrational spectroscopy
- Radiation induced corrosion of copper for deep repository application
Educational Background
- (March 2017-now) Group leader Institute of Particle Technology (LFG), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany.
- (2014-2017) Post-doctoral researcher Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany.
- (2009-2013) PhD in Surface and Corrosion Science Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
- (2004-2006) M.Sc. in Material engineering/Material selection Azad University of Saveh, Saveh, Iran.
- (2000-2004) B.Sc. in Material engineering/Metallurgy Azad University of Saveh, Saveh, Iran.
Other Academic and Industrial Work Experiences
- Employed by SP (former YKI, surface chemistry institute) Stockholm, Sweden. (2012-2014)
- Faculty member of Saveh Azad University in Iran. (2006-2009)
- Iranian Research Organization (IROST) as a researcher, Iran. (2004-2006)
- Behpuy Sanat (B.S.Co), Iran. (2006-2007)
- Head of production line in Ductile Cast Iron Company, Iran. (2002-2004)
Grants, Honors and Awards
- Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award, Electrochemical Society, USA (2016), http://www.electrochem.org/morris-cohen-award , for the best doctoral thesis in the field of Electrochemistry and Corrosion.
- DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service, two years grant for collaboration with the University of Zagreb, Croatia on “Self assembled monolayers as corrosion inhibitors in marine environments", (2015)
- Best Poster Award in Gordon Research Conference on Vibrational Spectroscopy, ME, USA, (2014).
- Levipriset from Sveriges Ingenjörer (The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers) (2013), http://www.sverigesingenjorer.se/Om-forbundet/Priser-stipendier-ochutmarkelser/levipriset/
- Third Best Poster Award in Materials Day, at KTH, Stockholm, 24th Feb. (2011).
- Third prize in Khwarizmi International Award (KIA), (2009) http://khwarizmi.irost.org/english. for the project “Honeycomb sealing for jet engines”.
- ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization), http://www.ecosecretariat.org/, prize for Research & Development Project, (2009), for the best project presented in KIA.
- Two times as the best student in master level in Azad University of Saveh, Iran.
- Board member of graduate students council KTH. (2012-2013)
- Board member and president of PerSiS (Persian Students in Stockholm). (2009-2012)
- Electrochemical society student member. (2012-2014)
- Reviewer in Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Corrosion Science, Surface Science, Langmuir, Journal of the Physical Chemistry, Metals, and Materials.