Dalel Belhaj
Department of Life Sciences, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Aquatic Ecosystems, Ecology and Planktonology, Street of Soukra Km 3.5, BP 1171 CP 3000 Sfax, Tunisia
Belhaj, D., Frikha, D., Jerbi, B., Athmouni, K., Kallel, M., Maalej, S., Zhou, J., Ayadi, H., 2018. Effect of 17a-Ethinylestradiol Exposure on Phycocyanin Metabolite Production and Antioxydant System of Phormidium Versicolor NCC466. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70548-4_144. Jerbi, B., Belhaj, D., Ayadi, H., Frikha, D., Maalej, S., Ayadi, H., Kallel, M., 2018. Eco (Geno) Toxic Assessment of Urban Sewage Sludge from Sfax Wastewater Treatment Plant. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70548-4_149. Boshir, M.A., Zhou, L.J., Ngo, H.H., Johir, A.H., Sun, L., Asadullah, M., Belhaj, D., 2018. Sorption of hydrophobic organic contaminants on functionalized biochar: protagonist role of π-π electron-donor-acceptor interactions and hydrogen bonds. Hazardous Materials. In press Athmouni, K., Belhaj, D., El Feki, A., Ayadi, H., 2018. Optimization, antioxidant potential, modulatory effect and anti-apoptotic action in of Euphorbia bivonae polysaccharides on hydrogen peroxide-induced toxicity in human embryonic kidney cells HEK293. International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules (116) 482-491. Belhaj, D., Athmouni, K., Boshir Ahmed, A., Aoiadni, N., El Feki, A., Zhou, J., Ayadi, H., 2018. Polysaccharides from Phormidium versicolor (NCC466) protecting HepG2 human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and rat liver tissues from cadmium toxicity: Evidence from in vitro and in vivo tests. International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules (113) 813-820. Athmouni, K., Belhaj, D., El Feki, A., Ayadi, H., 2018. Optimization, antioxidant properties and GC/MS analysis of Periploca angustifolia polysaccharides and chelation therapy on cadmium-induced toxicity in human HepG2 cells line and rat liver. International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules (108) 853-862. Athmouni, K., Belhaj, D., Hammami, K., El Feki, A., Ayadi, H., 2017. Phenolic compounds analysis, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective effects of Periploca angustifolia extract on cadmium-induced oxidative damage in HepG2 cell line and rats. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry The Journal of Metabolic Diseases. Belhaj, D., Frikha, D., Athmouni, K., Jerbi, B., Boshir Ahmed, M., Bouallagui, Z., Kallel, M., Maalej, S., Zhou, J., Ayadi, H., 2017. Box-Behnken design for extraction optimization of crude polysaccharides from Tunisian Phormidium versicolor cyanobacteria (NCC 466): Partial characterization, in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules 2 (105) 1501-1510. Ahmed, BM., Ngo, HH., Guo, W., Johir, A., Belhaj, D., Kallel, M., Zhou, JL., 2017. Nano-Fe0 Immobilized onto Functionalized Biochar Gaining Excellent Stability during Sorption and Reduction of Chloramphenicol via Transforming to Reusable Magnetic Composite. Chemical Engineering journal (322) 571-581. Ahmed, BM., Zhou, JL., Ngo, HH., Guo, W., Johir, A., Belhaj, D., 2017. Competitive sorption affinity of sulfonamides and chloramphenicol antibiotics toward functionalized biochar for water and wastewater treatment. Bioressource Technology (238) 306-3012 . Belhaj, D., Athmouni, K., Frikha, D., Kallel. M., El Feki, A., Maalej, S., Zhou, J., Ayadi, H., 2017. Biochemical and physiological responses of halophilic nanophytoplankton (Dunaliella salina) from exposure to xeno-estrogen 17α-ethinylestradiol. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research 8 (24) 7392-7402. Elloumi, N., Belhaj D., Mseddi, S., Zouari, M., Ben Abdallahd, F., Woodwarde, S., Kallel, Monem., 2017. Response of Nerium oleander to phosphogypsum amendment and its potential use for phytoremediation. Ecological Engineering (99) 164-171. Elloumi, N., Belhaj D., Jerbi, B., Zouari, M., Kallel, Monem., 2016. Effects of sewage sludge on bio-accumulation of heavy metals in tomato seedlings. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 14(4), e0807, 13 pages. Elloumi, N., Ben Amor, A., Zouari, M., Belhaj, D, Ben Abdallah, F., Kallel, M., (2016). Adaptive biochemical responses of punica granatum to Atmospheric fluoride pollution. Research report Fluoride 49(3 Pt 2):357-365 Belhaj, D., Athmouni, K., Jerbi, B., Kallel. M., Ayadi, H., Zhou, J., 2016. Estrogenic compounds in Tunisian urban sewage treatment plant: occurrence, removal and ecotoxicological impact of sewage discharge and sludge disposal. Ecotoxicology. 25 (10): 1849-1857. Belhaj, D., Elloumi, N., Jerbi, B., Zouari, B., Ben Abdallah, F., Ayadi, H., Kallel, M., 2016. Effects of sewage sludge fertilizer on heavy metal accumulation and consequent responses of sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Journal of Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research. 23 (20): 20168-20177. Belhaj, D., Jerbi, B., Medhioub, M., Zhou, J., Kallel, M., Ayadi, H., Zhou, J., Ayadi, H., 2015. Impact of treated urban wastewater for reuse in agriculture on crop response and soil ecotoxicity. journal of Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research. 23 (16) 15877-15887. Belhaj, D., Baccar, R., Jaabiri, I., Kallel, M., Ayadi, H., John Zhou., 2015. Fate of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in urban sewage treatment plant in Tunisia (North Africa). Science of The Total Environment, (505) 154-160. Belhaj, D., Jaabiri, I., Ayadi, H., Kallel, M., Zhou, J.L., 2013. Occurrence and removal of steroidal estrogens in Centre Eastern Tunisia municipal sewage treatment plant. Dessalination and Water Treatment, 1-10. Belhaj, D., Ghrab, S., Medhioub, M., Kallel. M., 2013. Performance evaluation of an industrial wastewater treatment plant in South-Eastern Tunisia. Dessalination and Water Treatment, 1-6. Turki, N., Gnigi, K., Belhaj, D., Bouzid, J., 2014. Effective degradation and detoxification of Landfill Leachates using a new combination process of coagulation/flocculation-Fenton and poweder Zeolite adsorption. Dessalination and Water Treatment, 1-12. Belhaj, D., Jaabiri, I., Chafai, A., Turki, N., Kallel, M., Ayadi, H., 2014. Descriptive and multivariable analysis of the water parameters quality of Sfax sewage treatment plant after rehabilitation. Journal of Computer Engineering, (16): 81-91. Belhaj, D., Turki, N., Jaabiri, I., Kallel, M., Ayadi, H., John Zhou., 2014. Comparison of estrogen compounds removal efficiency in sample and alternating anoxic/aerobic activated sludge process. Journal of Environmental Sciences, Toxicology and Food Technology, (8): 100-108. Jaabiri, I., Belhaj, D., Turki, N., Ayadi, H., Ksantini, M., Bouzid, J., Gargouri, R., 2014. Persistence and effects of Deltamethrin on Extra Virgin Olive Oil quality. Journal of Environmental Sciences, Toxicology and Food Technology, 10-15. Jaabiri, I., Belhaj, D., Turki, N., Kallel, M., Ayadi, H., Ksantini, M., Bouzid, J., Gargouri, R., 2013. Development and method validation for determination of Deltamethrin residue in olive using a reversed-phase hight performance liquid chromatography. Journal Of Applied Chemistry, (6): 1-8. Turki, N., Belhaj, D., Jaabiri, I., Ayadi, H., Kallel, M., Bouzid, J., 2013. Determination of organic compounds in landfill leachates treated by coagulation-floccculation and fenton-adsorption. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 7 (3), 18-25. Turki, N., Gnigi, K., Belhaj, D., Bouzid, J., 2013. Efficiency of an Integrated Process in Reduction of the Organic Loads in Methanogenic Landfill Leachates. European Journal of Scientific Research 4, 556-568.