Athina Vidaki
Department of Genetic Identification,
Faculty of Medicine, Erasmus University Rotterdam,
Office Ee 1063,
Wytemaweg 80,
3015 CN Rotterdam,
The Netherlands.
Research Interests:
- Dr Vidaki's main research interest lays within the field of forensic epigenetics and its novel applications, such the prediction of chronological age of unknown individuals, the identification of forensically relevant body fluids and tissues and the discrimination between monozygotic twins.
- Other research interests include forensic DNA analysis, massively parallel sequencing, mitochondrial DNA analysis, forensic mRNA profiling as well as the analysis of SNP polymorphisms.
- Dr Vidaki is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Genetic Identification at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center in Rotterdam.
- She holds an MSc in Forensic Science from King's College London, where she also successfully completed her PhD in Forensic Epigenetics in 2015. Her research mainly focuses on novel uses of epigenetics in forensic science.
- Her study on age-of-donor prediction was awarded the prize of the best presentation at the last Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG).
- Ongoing work in the same topic includes the coordination of a collaborative exercise for behalf of the European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) group.